“To be a great writer, I can’t just write what I know, but I must write what I don’t want others to know.”- @allyvest

Currently working on an underground project. A writing project.

A while back I spoke with someone about this particular subject I’m trying to make into an anthology, well sort of an anthology. We talked about how there are so many taboos that people really do talk about. We just misuse the word “taboo”.

But, the thing I’m writing about shouldn’t even be a taboo. It’s about human dignity.

I don’t like it when I hear the words, “Wow, and they found someone that would love them!” or “They were able to love them despite…”

And it’s like: “No! They love them. In fact they even like them! There’s nothing else to add. So, good night.”

So, it may not even be an ounce popular what I’m writing about. But, I feel like I’m supposed to write it.

More details to come.

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